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Hamac 35m3 concrete batching plant delivering to the African customer

Date: May 05, 2020     Source: Hamac Machinery

This month, we have delivered a 35m3 concrete batching plant to an African customer, this customer comes from a construction company, he did some works including the road, house and stadium construction, etc.

He used to buy concrete from the local supplier, this year, he started to produce the concrete by himself because he can make more profit. There is no concrete mixer in this 35m3 concrete batching plant, because the transport distance is usually too far in his country, so he mainly use the concrete mixer truck to do the mixing work on its way.

This 35m3 concrete batching plant can meet the needs of all of his working sites, and he can also supply to some other local construction needs. The customer is pleased that which can make make more profit for him.

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